Sims Challenge Tracker

Keep track of your Sims 4 Challenge Save Files

Computer Whiz Aspiration


Aspiration Category

Bonus Trait (Awarded if First Aspiration is a Knowledge Aspiration)
Quick Learner

Quick Learners build all skills a little bit faster!

Reward Trait (Awarded on Completion)

Webmasters get the most out of their computers, unlocking extremely useful ways to use them.

Computer Whiz Skills

Computer Whiz Careers



With the Program
  • Practice Programming for 5 Total Hours
  • Play Video Games for 5 Total Hours
Technically Adept
  • Maintain Focus for 2 Straight Hours of Video Gaming
  • Achieve Level 3 Programming Skill
  • Own $3,000 Worth of Electronics
Computer Geek
  • Become an Adult
  • Reach Level 3 of the Tech Guru Career
  • Make a Video Game or an App
Computer Whiz