Sims Challenge Tracker

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Career Track


Dedicating your life to the Farseer Data Corporation and putting its needs above all else is just the first step for a Salaryperson. Stability, respect, and endless hours of work are in your future. Advance to be a Supervisor or Expert in your field all while enjoying morning commutes and evening Karaoke.

  • You will need a computer to complete some of the Daily Tasks.

Starting Levels

Level 1 — New Hire
Schedule9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Daily TasksPrepare Semi-Important Reports
Level 2 — Pencil Pusher
Schedule9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 2 Logic Skill
Reach Level 2 Writing Skill
Daily TasksPrepare Semi-Important Reports
Level 3 — Competent Clerk
Schedule9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 3 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Writing Skill
Daily TasksPrepare Semi-Important Reports
Out on the Town Suit
Level 4 — Office Doyen
Schedule9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 4 Logic Skill
Reach Level 4 Writing Skill
Daily TasksPrepare Semi-Important Reports
Charismatic Crooner
Reward Trait: These sims have mastered charismatic vocal tones that help them get along better with co-workers. Those tones may even help with their singing ability.


The corporate hive mind does not function without an endless number of team leads. Join their legion and become a Supervisor. Increase productivity by hundredths of a percent through inspirational team exercises.

Level 5 — Valued Employee
Schedule9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 5 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
Chicken Yakitori Recipe
Host Phone Conference
Level 6 — Team Leader
Schedule9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 6 Logic Skill
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
Rehearse Company Values
Level 7 — Skilled Supervisor
Schedule9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 7 Logic Skill
Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
Ssh! Luxury Shoji Screen
Room screen with Environment 1
Level 8 — Prime Planner
Schedule10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th F
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 8 Logic Skill
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
Most Loyal Employee Award
Wall Plaque with Environment 2
Level 9 — Group Oracle
Schedule10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th
Promotion RequirementsReach Level 9 Logic Skill
Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
Level 10 — Head of the Department
Schedule10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
M Tu W Th
Promotion RequirementsMax Logic Skill to Level 10
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Daily TasksHost Phone Conference
In The Middle Of Things - Room
Asian-themed office with desk and computer
Legendary Stamina

Reward Trait: These sims have learned how to keep their energy up when the office coffeepot is empty. Their energy will drain more slowly than other sims.