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Aliens Collection

About Collection


Icon Name Rarity Location Value

Dead Blue Slug

Extracted from the body of its prior host, the specimen continues to move even after other life signs have long since faded.

Confidence 3

Rocket Missions


Dead Pink Whale

This organism's vital fluids contain traces of phosphorus, glowing for a short period of time when exposed to oxygen. The next "fossil" fuel?

Confidence 3

Rocket Missions


Dead Red Coral

Preliminary readings suggest that this "skeleton" emits a constant stream of short-wave transmissions--often involving what appear to be numerical tallies.

Confidence 3

Rocket Missions


Dead Space Porcupine

Anatomical analysis reveals that this specimen has both reptilian and mammalian reproductive features--perfectly fit for erratic meteorological patterns.

Confidence 3

Rocket Missions


Live Space Porcupine

This "porcupine" exhibits shy, skittish behavior, expelling its "quills" to tranquilize would-be predators and making a hasty retreat thereafter.

Environment 3

Rocket Missions


Dead Space Squid

With six appendages, partial transparency, and an unusually reflective outer membrane, this specimen likely evolved on a water-planet before arriving at the point of discovery.

Confidence 3

Rocket Missions


Live Pink Whale

Vaguely reminiscent of our own cetacean mammals, this "space whale" manipulates the fabric of time and space in navigating its environment.

Environment 3

Rocket Missions


Live Red Coral

Unlike its earthly counterparts, more than ninety percent of this coral-like structure is engaged in metabolic processes.

Environment 3

Rocket Missions


Live Blue Slug

A parasite that inhabits the brains of larger organisms and effectively plays puppetmaster. Ostensibly extremophilic.

Environment 3

Rocket Missions


Live Space Squid

A gelatinous, docile organism that communicates via patterned pulses in its bioluminescent skin.

Environment 3

Rocket Missions
