Sims Challenge Tracker

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Positivity Posters Collection

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Icon Name Rarity Value

Grin and Bear it!

Little bears know, when the going gets tough, grab your mama bear for a great big bear hug!

Environment 3
Common $752

It Happened

They always said, when it happens, magical things will occur. Well, it happened! Are you feeling majestic?

Environment 3
Common $752

Paradise Falls

If you're ever feeling down... think about taking a trip to Paradise Falls. Aside from a really depressing introduction, it's a pretty up place.

Environment 3
Common $752

The Sealinicorn, in repose

Is she looking back to the sea, or forward to the horizon? What do you see?\n\nI see sadness... because it's pretty tough to eat, with a giant horn sticking out of your nose.

Environment 3
Common $752