Sims Challenge Tracker

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Missing Sim Milk Cartons Collection

About Collection


Icon Name Rarity Value

Bella Goth, Starry-Eyed Stargazer

MISSING?! What do you mean Bella is missing? Isn't she here? In her red dress? ...Where did this carton even come from? Is this a warning?

Environment 3
Common $60

Ginny, former Pirate and Sheriff

Last seen plundering...rustling cattle...writing tickets...extinguishing fires... Most likely to be found sailing the solar winds of space.

Environment 3
Common $60

Pit Beast, Dweller in the Dark

Pit of Judgement desperately seeking return of beloved tentacled beast known colloquially as Pit Beast, also answers to Steven.

Environment 3
Common $60

Skip Broke, Prolific Father

Blonde hair, blue eyes, kind of a neatnik. Last seen near the pool. His wife anxiously awaits his return but has offered no reward.

Environment 3
Uncommon $120

Some Sneaky Sim, Not a Raccoon

Last seen leaving the scene with a small sack of large furniture.

Environment 3
Uncommon $120

Emit Relevart, Bow-Tied and Blue-Haired

Known to pop in every now and then. Does not need roads. Answers to “Doctor” but doesn’t have a medical license.

Environment 3
Rare $180