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Cozy Wreaths Collection

About Collection


Cozy Celebrations

Discover winter traditions, collaborate with Jasmine Holiday, and earn Event Points for festive rewards!


Icon Name Rarity Value

Cozy Festive Wreath

There is a reason why things become classics, they just stand the test of time. Put this festive wreath up and it'll bring that feeling of holiday nostalgia to your home.

Environment 3
Common $144

Cozy Floral Wreath

Looking for something different while keeping it classy? This floral wreath not only looks good, but it also probably smells good too.

Environment 3
Common $144

Cozy Freezer Bunny Wreath

Bring that sense of playfulness the holidays bring to your decorations by putting up this Freezer Bunny adorned wreath.

Environment 3
Uncommon $160

Cozy Autumnal Wreath

Not quite ready to get into the full festive spirit? This wreath will give that autumn feeling, no matter the weather outside.

Environment 3
Rare $176